Kristen Domonell Gutierrez

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Exactly What You Should Eat if You’re Trying to Lose Weight


It might seem like there’s a weight-loss secret floating around out there that everybody knows but you. But in reality, about 80 percent of unlocking the weight-loss puzzle is choosing the right mix of filling and nutritious foods, says Marjorie Nolan Cohn, R.D.N., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

That's right, it's all about what you eat, says Cohn. (Foodies, rejoice!) But don't worry, we're not about to suggest that you spend hours slaving over the stove to nail your diet. Keeping things simple by minimizing meal prep—and planning ahead for leftovers—can help keep you on track. “I try to avoid complicating weight loss with extensive recipes,” says Cohn. 

Here’s how to fill your plate to start reaching your weight-loss goals—without spending a million hours in the kitchen.

Read the Women's Health article